Ghost? Haunted houses? Spirits?
I am not too sure if I believe they actually exist, maybe
because I have not experienced them myself. No doubt that these words do give me
goose pimples, I have no story of paranormal activity that I have experienced.
But I have another story that relates to paranormal
I do enjoy watching scary paranormal activity movies! I
think I watch them a lot with my husband, almost every weekend. That is our weekly movie activity. As scary
as it sounds about ghost and of its sorts, watching these scary movies have
always thrilled me. Those were the moments
where the heart will be pounding so hard and always hoping the movie does not
come to life.
One of the scariest moments I had was when I was 16 years
old. It is always fresh in my mind as my family always laughs about it.
Back then; I do not prefer watching scary movies. It was the
time when I enjoy dramatic movies.
It was one night on a weekend, when the movie ‘Ju-On- was playing
on TV. I always waited for any nice movie to be played. The movie ‘Ju-On’; was
reviewed quite well from my friends, who watched it before it was played on the
television. I was so excited to watch this movie and made my family stay up
with me late to watch this movie. It movie started about 11pm.
The movie was scary indeed! It is a movie about a small boy
who is a ghost that haunts a house. This character in this movie does not
speak, but just stares. That gives me the chills! I closed my eyes practically
for most of the scenes and watch it in a pinhole size of my palm. I did scream
and having my brothers, aged 15 and 6 then to laugh at me.
Eventually, as time passed, my parents and my brothers were
sleepy. They went up to their rooms to sleep, leaving me alone. But I was
determined to watch the movie until the end. How am I to sleep peacefully
without watching the ending of the movie?
So, I gathered myself and sat there for an hour or so to watch the end.

Then, I opened the washroom door and I screamed to the top
of my voice!
I did, I screamed! Just screamed, because I saw a little
boy, almost to the same size of the boy, Ju-On in the movie, in tears and vomit
on his shirt looking at me!
It freaked me out. It was my little brother.
The teary boy burst into wailing with fountain of tears,
which woke my parents from the other side of the house.
What a relief! It was just my brother. I thought the boy
from the movie appeared in front of me. The angry old people in my house
started scolding me for scaring the little fellow.
This is just my opinion about paranormal activity and its
feelings. If you dwell into it too much and create imaginations out of it, it
will bring all the fear you never imagined to life!
As for me, I still watch
the scary movies in the pinhole view. Nowadays, I use my husband’s palm to
cover my eyes.