Sunday, 19 April 2015

Blog Entry #8 : Memories of School

School years were one of the best phases of life I had. It had less drama, with more of emotional sharing with friends. My friends and I surely had blast enjoying our days go by while chatting and sharing all our stories and problems. It was surely one of those chapters in life I would like to return to.                                                                                                                                       

I would proudly say that I had awesome school memories because I have wonderful friends with me now.

As time flew by, I realized that what I was blessed from school life was my good buddies, whom I treasure a lot.  We have gone through good and bad times with them as we have been friends for almost two decades. Some of us take the effort to be the same friend we used to be. At times like this,  it is like going back in time when I get to see this bunch of friends again.

I studied in a convent school back then, SMK Convent Butterworth, a place where good friendship grew along the way. Memories in school were always about friends, activities and how we helped each other to strive better in our studies. Other than that, we always went for camps together, stayed back in school to do extra revision, went for the movies and shop.  But we always made sure that we had our backs for our friends, either in studies or in problems we faced.

Most of our parents were furious with our friendship when they found that we were very close with other. Perhaps, they were afraid that we were bad influence to each other. Fortunately, many of us survived and grew out of it. Plus point, the friendship did not end there.

One of those memories that I remember was the dance competition we had in school. We were all just 13 years old, and fresh to the secondary schooling life. It was fun having to gather my friends. We made sure we came to school early, everyday before our afternoon session school starts. We would practise our steps almost everyday before the talent show. As we did things, we got to know each other so well that we ended being good friends after all. By the way, we were the champion for the talent show!

Friends during secondary school were just like my own siblings, unfortunately many of us grew apart due to the drama adults have in life.I lost some good friends over the years but I am glad that the memories stays alive with some true friends. I am glad that I still few more pieces of my school memories with me!

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